So, you know how Steph likes to do all these surveys and then post them up for everyone to read her answers, well for some reason, i always have to read what he answers i decided, why not try and be like steph, as hard as that would be, and do a survey and put it up for everyone to read. the only sad thing is, i bet NO ONE will want to read my damn answers to any kind of survey...but here goes anyway. Steph, your my freakin idol man!!!
Name:: Angle Riley
Birthdate:: 10/23/78
Age:: 25
Birthplace:: Vineland/NJ
Eldest, Middle, Youngest, Only Kid?: Eldest
Family:: yeah i have one
Pets:: none that are mine
Do you go to school:: not presently
What is your highest level achieved?: BA in Journalism and Mass Media
Religion:: ??
Do you have friends?: a few
Do you like to be lonely?: sometimes
What color are your eyes?: blue
Do you like it?: yes
What color eyes do you want?: blue
What color is your hair?: black
Do you like it?: yes for the most part
What color do you want?: i guess the color i have, i would look odd any other way
Do you dye your hair?: a girl can never reveal such things
If yes, how regularly?: ?
Do you wear glasses?: sometimes
Do you have a trademark?: ??
How tall are you?: about 5'4
What's your heritage/nationality?: irish, and who knows what else
Do you have the same hairstyle everyday?: no
Do you think you look exciting?: who the hell knows
Are you self concious?: isnt everyone at some point
Do you obsess over your looks?: not to an extremely unhealthy
Do you even care about your appearences?: of course
How long do you spend in the bathroom?: depends on the day, and what im doing..
Punk/Goth/Ghetto/Prep/Jock/Nerd/Other (list)? stereotype?: i think im a combo of a lot of things
Do you pick your nose? In secret?: i have yes...but not for fun, only cause i needed to
Do you like yourself? Life?: depends on the day
Are you liked by people?: i hope so, but you can never be so sure
Do you want to become famous?: its not like a life goal, but if i did it might be cool
Do you want to make a difference in this big world?: if i could i would try
Why?: because, i always get all warm and fuzzy inside when i hear stories of people who do great things
Which celebrities do you worship in secret?: Alanis Morrisette
Blues/Rock/Jazz/Classical/Pop/Urban/Country?: rock and pop more then anything else...but a little of everything
Are you one of those people who diss fans of a music genre you don't like?: no
Which pop princess shits you?: WTF does that mean?
Can you sing?: not hardly
Can you act?: like an ass yes
Who is your fave actor?: im not sure right now
Fave movie?: Kill Bill at the present time (just cause i\'m excited to see the new one)
Backstreet Boys or Nsync?: Nsync i guess
Good Charlotte or Blink 182?: if i have to choose then blink 182
Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears?: again, if i have to pick then Britney Spears
Slayer or Black Sabbath?: Black Sabbath
The Beatles or The Monkees?: The Beatles
ABBA or the A Teens?: wtf
Guilty pleasure?: I Love the 80's (strikes back...)
The Simpsons or Family Guy?: neither
MTV... yeah or neah?: yeah
Do you have a group of friends?: i guess you could say that
How many?: depends on the group, and the day...i have a couple i guess
To an onlooker, what would your group be viewed as?: also depends on the group.
Who are you closest to?: the present time myself
Who is your best friend?: bestfriend-less at the present time
Are any of them bad influences?: not really im not to much of a follower
Who are you in your group? The leader? The leader's bitch? The follower?: none
Are you dirty minded?: i can be
Do you have any sexual feelings towards friends?: i used to (but not a girlfriend...a guy)
Generally, how are you viewed in your group?: as the fun cool one everyone wants around...ha j/k
Do your friends know you?: no, we are friends but we dont really know eachother....seriously though, do you ever really know someone? you may think you do and then you find out you never really did
Are you single or taken?: single
Do you want to stay single?: not really...but then again, im not on the hunt or whatever...definately not looking for anyone
Why are you single?: cause i got dumped :(
Do you date around?: heck no, although i have had a few offers...but turned them down
When was the last time you have a bf/gf?: umm officially Sept. of 2003
How many exes have you had?: to many to count...i get around! j/k again
Straight/Bisexual/Homosexual?: straight
Are you bored?: sometimes
Can you play any instruments? Which ones?: NONE
Math or English?: english definately
The Arts or Sciences?: arts (i guess) cause i hate science
Technical or Creative?: creative, i suppose, cause i sure am not technical
Are you poetic?: not to much, although i do try
How many babies do you want?: dont know for sure if i want any
Do you spend most of your time on the net?: no, not most of my time, but enough
What do you think of your country's leader?: not sure, i dont think to much of him, at least i dont think i do
Do you love me?: WTF...i never even met you how could i love you?
Why?: if i knew who you were, i could tell ya
What kind of meat do you like to eat?: i cant answer that
What's your favourite food?: hmm..probably mexican
Drink?: alcoholic-malibu bay breezes non-doesnt matter really
well, i hope everyone who read this has gotten a better idea of who i am and all that, and you dont hate me for it!
How bout you guys post your answers to these questions huh??
Damnit, you should have picked ABBA! Also, Family Guy rocks. You let me down sometimes. So now I'll let you down and not fill out the survey :P'
For real though, I'll fill it out later when I don't have crappy research to do.
Posted by: kate at April 13, 2004 07:46 PMfor some reason, as much as i love the 80's and all..i could not think of one song that ABBA sang, and i cant remember the damn family guy refresh my memory, and then i might be pissed cause i couldnt remember.
Posted by: angela at April 13, 2004 07:52 PMOne of ABBA's most famous songs is "Dancing Queen"
They have a LOT of kickass songs though...
Family Guy is quality. I think they play it on the Cartoon Network on weeknights for Adult Swim. Check it out. It's so silly it rules.
OK. Here is the survey, as I saw fit to fill it out:
Name:: Kate Campbell
Birthdate:: 10/26/81
Age:: 22
Birthplace:: Vineland, NJ
Eldest, Middle, Youngest, Only Kid?: DEAD CENTER
Family:: They’re good people, when they’re not talking.
Pets:: 2 kick ass cats. They follow me around everywhere, cause they love me. It has nothing to do with the fact that I feed them. SHUT UP!
Do you go to school:: ACCC, getting my AA after the summer semester, then transferring to University at Albany most likely (but not definite).
What is your highest level achieved?: Will be an AA in Liberal Arts (so specialized, I know).
Religion:: Catholic by familial association, I guess you could say. I’m considering converting though…or maybe coming up with a religion of my own. Don’t worry, I wouldn’t try to convert anyone else to the Church of Kate.
Do you have friends?:: I’m pretty sure I do.
Do you like to be lonely?:: No, but I like to be alone.
What color are your eyes?:: Blue
Do you like it?:: I like it A LOT.
What color eyes do you want?:: GREY?
What color is your hair?:: Brown/reddish (the latter is from the dye)
Do you like it?:: Sure, whatever.
What color do you want?:: I want all the colors of the rainbow, all for ME, ME, ME!
Do you dye your hair?:: Yes, I already said that. Start paying attention to my answers!
If yes, how regularly?:: Not regularly by any means. When I dye, it’s completely sporadic.
Do you wear glasses?:: At night and in theaters, oh yeah.
Do you have a trademark?:: The middle finger, cause it’s so convenient, and that way I don’t have to get it painted/sewn onto anything of mine. I simply flash it when I want people to remember me.
How tall are you?: 5'3
What's your heritage/nationality?:: Heritage: Irish, Italian, German, Polish; Nationality: Citizen of the U.S.
Do you have the same hairstyle everyday?:: I think?
Do you think you look exciting?:: Oh HELL YEAH! I stare at myself for hours on end and go absolutely batty at the site of ME!
Are you self conscious?:: Yes. Please don’t judge me for my answer.
Do you obsess over your looks?:: If you knew what I looked like, you know the answer to this one dawl.
Do you even care about your appearances?:: Isn’t this kinda asking what the last question asked? If anything, you can take my answer from the last question and use it here too.
How long do you spend in the bathroom?:: That really depends on what I ate the day before…I’m a charmer, I know it.
Punk/Goth/Ghetto/Prep/Jock/Nerd/Other (list)?:: I’m me. No idea how to categorize myself further. I think I’m being more than specific in giving that answer. All those other categories are too broad. I like to narrow things down.
Do you pick your nose? In secret?:: Don’t we all? I scratch more than pick, and it’s not always a secret. I’m not the overly freaked out type when it comes to touching a part of me that is normally exposed to the public…
Do you like yourself? Life?:: Most of the time, I tolerate both. Trying to find a way to truly like myself. It’s sad but it’s sort of my quest in life thus far. I’m hoping to find it in the work I do, which would also help me enjoy life much more.
Are you liked by people?:: You’d have to ask people that question. I can’t give you an honest answer cause I’m assuming you’re talking about random people that I meet.
Do you want to become famous?:: No. That’d be annoying for me. I’d rather do things to help change the world/others for the better. If that makes me famous, let’s just hope it’s after I’m already dead.
Do you want to make a difference in this big world? :: What are you doing, reading my previous answers and then making up questions based on them real quick so I’ll look like a fool? Stop toying with me!
Why? :: Because I don’t like when questionnaires toy with me. It makes me angry!
Which celebrities do you worship in secret? :: ABBA. WHOOPS! SECRET’S OUT!
Blues/Rock/Jazz/Classical/Pop/Urban/Country? :: Any music that touches me. I don’t restrict myself to genres. That’d just be silly and limit the enjoyment I could receive from all sorts of music.
Are you one of those people who diss fans of a music genre you don't like? :: As far as I can recall, nah.
Which pop princess shits you? :: I don’t recall ever having been shit by a pop princess…HEY WAIT! Is this a trick question? My answer should have been, “none, cause pop princesses don’t poop,” right???
Can you sing? :: Yes. However I don’t sing for people. Stage freight. Actually I don’t even really sing for people I know well, cause I just feel weird doing it. I guess I think I’ll get nervous and go off key because of it, and then they’ll all think I can’t sing. So I’d rather just sing for my shower head…
Can you act? :: According to Mrs. Amadei in the 7th or 8th grade, I made great facial expressions when I read lines to a play we were all reading through. But I don’t know. I’ve never tried it, seems too fake for me. I’m too honest, I’d probably muff up acting seriously.
Who is your favorite actor? :: Tom Hanks came to mind first. He’s just too cool.
Favorite movie? :: The Big Lebowski & The Burbs are tied. I like many more but you don’t care.
Backstreet Boys or Nsync? :: Your Mom.
Good Charlotte or Blink 182? :: Your GRANDMOM
Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears? :: Colonel Sanders
Slayer or Black Sabbath?: Slayer sounds more badass.
The Beatles or The Monkees? :: They aren’t the same? Muwahahahahahahaaa.
ABBA or the A Teens? :: No contest: ABBA
Guilty pleasure? :: Goofing around on the computer when I should be doing school work.
The Simpsons or Family Guy? :: Family Guy mang.
MTV... yeah or neah? :: Never could touch the stuff.
Do you have a group of friends? :: Yes. The Crips. They’ll clean up your neighborhood for you.
How many? :: Too many to count. Watch yo’ backs!
To an onlooker, what would your group be viewed as? :: Scary ass ganstas that they best be runnin’ from.
Who are you closest to? :: Johnny (my love)
Who is your best friend? :: Johnny
Are any of them bad influences? :: Surely. Every last one of them.
Who are you in your group? The leader? The leader's bitch? The follower? :: The candlestick maker.
Are you dirty minded? :: Yes, my mind needs desperately to be vacuumed.
Do you have any sexual feelings towards friends? :: Towards my best/closest friend, yes.
Generally, how are you viewed in your group? :: From my profile.
Do your friends know you? :: No. We just say we’re friends and never talk.
Are you single or taken? :: Double
Do you want to stay single? :: Do I have to answer this? We already know I’m double.
Why are you single? :: Just stop it man. Don’t make me get plural on your ass!
Do you date around? :: No. I usually date under, or through.
When was the last time you have a bf/gf? :: Yesterday and tomorrow.
How many exes have you had? :: 4
Straight/Bisexual/Homosexual?: I am pretty sure they were all homosexuals.
Are you bored? :: No, I’m exciting looking, so I’m looking at myself now and I’m VERY EXCITED!
Can you play any instruments? Which ones? :: Si – Piano, harmonica, guitar, some drums.
Math or English? :: F math. English for life!
The Arts or Sciences? :: The ARTS
Technical or Creative? :: I probably have slightly better technical (not bragging here at all) skills than creative.
Are you poetic? :: Probably not.
How many babies do you want? :: 2.1
Do you spend most of your time on the net? :: No, but my alter ego procrastikayt does.
What do you think of your country's leader? :: He’s goofy looking.
Do you love me? :: If by “me” you mean “John”, then HELL YES!
Why? :: Just cause. Why does there have to be a reason for love? HUH? Just be glad you get the love.
What kind of meat do you like to eat? :: Ground beef.
What's your favorite food? :: Sushi / Sweet Potatoes / Shepherd’s Pie!
Drink? :: White Russian / Beefeater on the rocks / White Zinfandel
Okay, you pissed me off and I had to stop reading the survey to say HOW CAN YOU NOT LIKE THE SIMPSONS OR THE FAMILY GUY??? Also, how can you say "yeah" to MTV?? The bastards. I'll go into that when I write my responses to this survey, which will be next, however, you also have to really elaborate on the questions. And not be really so serious. I like funny answers to these things. And that will get you one step closer to being like me. :-D
Posted by: Steph at April 14, 2004 12:44 AMName:: Stephanie Anne Dorothy Love (Dorothy being my confirmation name for those of you familiar with such a thing)
Birthdate:: 10/07/82
Age:: 21
Birthplace:: Woodbury, NJ
Eldest, Middle, Youngest, Only Kid?: Eldest
Family: I'd like a real one, frankly.
Pets:: I own a 130lb. Rottweiler named Cash, a runt mutt named Travis, a guinea pig named Petey, a hamster named Baby, three cats named Cleo, Mingo, and Alex, and a gecko named Flecko.....yes, we have a zoo, are you happy?
Do you go to school: Currently at Cumberland County College, and soon to be at Rowan University
What is your highest level achieved?: Associate's Degree in Liberal Arts
Religion:: Good old Roman Catholic
Do you have friends?: too many, you want some?
Do you like to be lonely?: I would love it...
What color are your eyes?: Grey blue
Do you like it?: no
What color eyes do you want?: blood fucking red
What color is your hair?: Black, with lovely grey roots
Do you like it?: no, I dislike the fact that I'm going grey at 21
What color do you want?: anything but grey...
Do you dye your hair?: No, I'm Asian, I have naturally black hair
If yes, how regularly?: I said no, dammit
Do you wear glasses?: never, but I will so that I can look smarter
Do you have a trademark?: No. Although maybe I should...
How tall are you?: 5'8
What's your heritage/nationality?: My mother's maiden name was Bononcini, you figure it out...
Do you have the same hairstyle everyday?: sometimes, mostly it changes once a week or once a month dependent on how lazy I am...
Do you think you look exciting?: probably not, except that sometimes my boyfriend gets excited when he sees me, does that count?
Are you self concious?: Always. I was made fun of in grade school. That tends to stay with you even if you pretend you think you're hot...
Do you obsess over your looks?: Maybe. Depends on what you consider an obsession
Do you even care about your appearences?: Uhh, who doesn't?
How long do you spend in the bathroom?: If I'm showering, 25 minutes, if I'm not, 10 minutes at most...
Punk/Goth/Ghetto/Prep/Jock/Nerd/Other (list)? stereotype?: I don't fit into any of those categories...I don't even think I have any of those in me...I'm just me...and I cannot explain that
Do you pick your nose? In secret?: Oh yeah. I stick my boogers on stuff too if I can't find a napkin...
Do you like yourself? Life?: No. Someone shoot me.
Are you liked by people?: No. People think I'm a bitch and I like it like that.
Do you want to become famous?: I already am.
Do you want to make a difference in this big world?: No, I want to make a difference in a small world. Its a small world, after all...
Why?: Why not?
Which celebrities do you worship in secret?: Britney Spears. She's hot. I'd fuck her...
Blues/Rock/Jazz/Classical/Pop/Urban/Country?: I listen to it all. Sometimes I don't know why.
Are you one of those people who diss fans of a music genre you don't like?: Hell yes. But only the ones that diss me for the music I do like.
Which pop princess shits you?: I don't know. I've never had someone shit me. Or shit ON me for that matter.
Can you sing?: Supposedly.
Can you act?: Just like Kate, Mrs. Amadei told me I could act as well. She also told Gen Guida she could act. I think Mrs. Amadei lied...
Who is your fave actor?: Johnny Depp
Fave movie?: Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas
Backstreet Boys or Nsync?: Never. Although I'd love to fuck Justin Timberlake.
Good Charlotte or Blink 182?: Fuck Good Charlotte.
Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears?: Ugh. Do I have to? I'd like to fuck Britney. There, I said it.
Slayer or Black Sabbath?: I love Ozzy! And I hate Slayer. So figure it out.
The Beatles or The Monkees?: :( I love them both. But The Beatles were more revolutionary and intelligent.
ABBA or the A Teens?: Ew.
Guilty pleasure?: Any countdown on VH1, E!, or any other channel for that matter.
The Simpsons or Family Guy?: I cannot choose. I love them both equally.
MTV... yeah or neah?: Not anymore.
Do you have a group of friends?: I don't tend to group them.
How many?: Why do you care? I like them. They're mine. Stop trying to take them.
To an onlooker, what would your group be viewed as?: A riot.
Who are you closest to?: Brett, obviously
Who is your best friend?: Brett. He's seen me on the "inside"...
Are any of them bad influences?: All of them
Who are you in your group? The leader? The leader's bitch? The follower?: WE'RE ALL EQUAL DAMMIT!
Are you dirty minded?: sadly, yes
Do you have any sexual feelings towards friends?: Only the guys, you sick fucks...
Generally, how are you viewed in your group?: I don't care, and we don't separate ourselves like that...
Do your friends know you?: No. Not in any way whatsoever. WHAT IS THE POINT OF HAVING FRIENDS IF THEY DON'T KNOW YOU?
Are you single or taken?: Oh so taken.
Do you want to stay single?: I'm not..
Why are you single?: I'M NOT SINGLE
Do you date around?: I'm not a whore dammit.
When was the last time you have a bf/gf?: Umm, now?
How many exes have you had?: Not too many.
Straight/Bisexual/Homosexual?: I am so gay its not even funny
Are you bored?: Now? Yes.
Can you play any instruments? Which ones?: Guitar
Math or English?: I hate math.
The Arts or Sciences?: Both.
Technical or Creative?: Both.
Are you poetic?: yes
How many babies do you want?: 40
Do you spend most of your time on the net?: way too much
What do you think of your country's leader?: Ugh. Don't get me started. He's a moron, that's all I have to say.
Do you love me?: Yes. I love everyone.
Why?: I just told you why.
What kind of meat do you like to eat?: All meat. Especially fatty meats...
What's your favourite food?: Pasta
Drink?: Anything with alcohol.
I'm tired of surveys. Can you believe that? Me, tired of surveys? They lose their novelty if I do them too much...
Posted by: Steph at April 14, 2004 01:12 AM