Geographic Information Systems
Pick Six and Instant Win Ticket
Lottery Winner Distribution Dot density map of Pick Six and Instant Win winners. Distribution correlates to New Jersey population. |
Location Quotient Chloropleth Location quotient shows the ratio of per-ZIP code winners to total winners divided by the quotient of the population of that ZIP and the total population of the state. High values (darker colors) show areas where there are an above-average number of winners. This doesn't mean you'll win if you buy a ticket there. |
This is really just a fun exercise in what you can do with a simple idea and fun tools.
The Census has a lot of information. Literally, tons of information. I was poking around the Census website and I found that you can download housing data for "county subdivisions" (municipalites, in NJ's case). There were some interesting attributes recorded, like number of bedrooms and such.
Getting data from the Census is a pain. Not because they make it difficult to obtain, it's just that there is so much information it becomes unmanageable.
The process is this: you fill out a web-based form in the American Fact Finder and the information will be presented to you in an HTML table. ArcView needs this information in either a Microsoft Access database (the new "Geodatabase" format) or a DBase database (Shapefile format). The Census allows you to download the information as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. From Excel, you can manipulate and reformat the data so that you can export it as a DBase file.
I have a shapefile and seperate databases for joining included in this ZIP file (320 kb).
Recently Constructed Houses Chloropleth Shows the percentage of total households in a municipality that were built sometime between 1990 and 2000. |
Percentage of Households with Five or More Bedrooms
Chloropleth Shows the percentage of total households in a municipality that have five or more bedrooms. |
This is barely scratching the surface of what the Census has to offer.
added 20 January 2004
I was browsing the web and I came across a writeup about how smoking varies by state. The page included a table, the data in which would be better represented through the use of a map.
I retyped the HTML table into a DBF and joined it to the Census's state boundary file to produce the map.
Percentage of Adult Smokers by State Chloropleth Shows the percentage of adult smokers in each state. |
Look at the table, then view the map. It would take you a while to see that there's a concentration of adult smokers around Kentucky (the highest at 32.6%) and West Virginia using only the table. The map shows that instantly.
John J Reiser
newrisedesigns dot com