August 20, 2004


I went for a walk today, exploring the area. I took the camera along, partially so I could get some cool shots to possibly use for this blog, partially to have an excuse to not jog, but instead walk at a "moderate" pace. It's too hot for any sort of vigorous exercise today anyhow. I ended up walking to a local park, on the "other" side of the Raritan, which for me means New Brunswick. I took some shots but was disappointed with my camera. It's a fairly old digital camera, and a lot of the pictures turn out washed out and tinted blue. So I decided to grey scale all of them, and use photoshop to do the equivalent of what film photographers do in the dark room, by messing with contrasts and color adjustments.

This is my favorite from the album...I think. It's hard to say. I enjoy being able to modify my pictures, especially since I can't do so while using the camera because it is an automatic. You can view the entire album here.

Posted by Kate Campbell at August 20, 2004 08:40 PM

Wait, I forgot, unlike Kate and Kara, Angela and I are only separated by a few cities. Now I have to go into hiding cuz of that last comment...

Posted by: Steph at August 21, 2004 04:12 PM

Silly Gramma, you have LOTS of reasons to be proud.


Posted by: Steph at August 21, 2004 04:11 PM

kate, you took some really cool pics...i'm very proud of you! oh wait, i dont really have any right to be proud do i? either way, the photographs are GREAT.

Posted by: angela at August 20, 2004 11:22 PM
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